The Christian Fellowship, Pachuta, MS began in March, 1999 when a group of believers came together to seek the perfect will of God for this vineyard. It started when a group of believers from meridian MS joined with a group from Laurel MS to worship God. They gathered for six months in various homes, just like it was in the Book of Acts, going from house to house and Breaking Bread.
After the initial six months a few of the members drove north on I-55 and turned at exit 126 into Pachuta. They found an old rustic building that had been a BBQ restaurant. After a few weeks of negotiating with the owners, the Christian Fellowship rented the building, refurbished it on the inside and officially opened on October 19, 1999 in Pachuta. They worshipped there on the Lord’s Day, and had a mid-week prayer and Bible Study.
During one of the Bible Study meetings, in 2000, a member of the fellowship spoke with Pastor Vlok and told him that God had laid on her heart to donate four acres of land to the Fellowship. The fellowship waited for three years before they were instructed by the Holy Spirit to build a sanctuary dedicated to the Lord.
In 2004, the building was dedicated to the Lord on a Saturday afternoon, the preacher invited to bring the Word on that day was the preacher from an Assembly of God church in Laurel who was the first preacher in the United States to ask Pastor Vlok to preach in his church.
From that time onwards, the fellowship continues to meet. They have a midweek morning Study of God’s Word, Saturday evening intercessory prayer, and on the Lord’s Day they gather for a 9 am Bible Study and at 10 am for the morning worship and Breaking of Bread service.
The fellowship continues to support a mission field in Guyanna, South America, where our evangelist, David Chandler has visited a number of times to preach the gospel to the unsaved. The fellowship supports the work in Guyanna financially as well. They also give financial support the national office in South Africa, and have had the president of the fellowship visit us in the U.S